six types of working genius


six types of working genius

© Copyright 2021 The Table Group, Inc.

The fastest and simplest tool to boost productivity and morale.

Have you ever wondered why some projects are stalled, or why some tasks just never get finished? Sometimes we charge off in the wrong direction and wonder why we keep making the same mistakes, why things take so much longer than they should, or why we experience burnout and lack of motivation.

Often we fall into the competency trap - being recognised for being great at something, and given more of that work to do, which is ultimately a stealth killer of time.

When you’re working in your genius, you’re making the very best contribution.


Every job is a 6 letter job

With six fundamental activities required for any type of work, Working Genius re-defines the way work gets done and helps identify the work that brings energy, joy and fulfilment, as well as the type of work that accelerates burnout, and the work that causes frustration and zaps our energy.

Working genius helps you get more done with a higher degree of joy and morale.

This model can be used in a variety of ways to bring greater success and fulfilment:

  • Leadership development/coaching

  • Job alignment/adjustments

  • Team cohesion and productivity

  • Clarity around stages of work

What Sets Working Genius Apart

First, its simplicity. The Working Genius model distills any kind of work down to six fundamental activities. And in relatively short order, it helps people identify the type of work that makes them thrive.

Second, Working Genius is the only tool of its kind that is actually applied to work. Most personality instruments help people better understand how they are wired, but fail to explain how that fits together with others in the process of work. Working Genius solves this problem. Not only do individuals walk away with a greater understanding of the type of work that makes them thrive, but Working Genius provides teams with a better way to think about their dynamics, projects, meetings and even their hiring.

Simply put, Working Genius is part personality assessment and part productivity tool for teams. And it is the simplest and fastest way to discover your gifts and transform your life.


Team Benefits

  • Allows us to tap into one another’s talents

  • Changes how we staff projects

  • Creates a language for the team

  • Provides a framework for innovation and work

  • Reduces guilt and judgement

  • Improves productivity and morale

The team map is a visually effective way to recognise the individual geniuses and frustrations of each team member. It quickly identifies any gaps that could be leading to decreased effectiveness and productivity.

No team is the same. Every team has different objectives, and is made up of people with different areas of working genius, competency and frustration. However, no matter the make up of the team or the objective, similar problems arise when one or more of the areas of genius is lacking.

There are two fundamental ways that a team can be transformed by using The Six Types of Working Genius.

First, individual team members can increase their productivity and morale by maximising the time they spend in their areas of genius and minimising the time they spend in their areas of frustration.

Second, a team can significantly increase the likelihood of success by ensuring that they have filled all six of the geniuses required to get something done.

Imagine if you could improve your team’s cohesion, productivity, morale and energy. How would that feel?

Working with a Certified Facilitator can transform work for people by helping them:

  • Understand why they have been successful or unsuccessful in past endeavours

  • Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult

  • Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation

  • Alleviate guilt about struggles people have with certain types of work

  • Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings

  • Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths, and avoid one another’s weaknesses

  • Get more done in less time

People who understand their genius show up to work happier, are more effective, and work more cohesively with others.

Are you ready to learn your working genius, and transform your workday into one that brings more energy, joy and fulfilment?

If so, I’m here to help you achieve it.