Katrina Bart - From Christian to clairvoyant

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Katrina-Jane is a down to earth, ‘out of the box’ clairvoyant medium, multiple times award winning author, inspirational speaker, teacher and thought leader - who is dedicated to guiding people on your soul journey.  Her specialities include death and dying, clairvoyant readings, support for sensitive children and empowering women with the steps to help find their purpose and live their dreams.

Katrina-Jane has a passion for helping people to deal with death, dying and grief - both nationally and internationally. Through her work she deals with the passing of loved ones on a daily basis. Her aim is to help people get over the fear and awkwardness of speaking about death, whether this is through her books, speaking arrangements, writings or social media. 

She has authored 4 books, having won an international book award for her inspiration biography ‘Christian to Clairvoyant’ and 5 international book awards for ‘Where Did They Go’.  The latter explains to children in a simple but clear way what happens when we die. It takes away the mystique and fear that currently surrounds death and encourages people to talk, and has attracted significant global attention.

Katrina-Jane has also appeared on radio, been featured in the local press on several occasions and often guest writes for a variety of online blogs and new age publications, as well as regular and high profile keynote presentations. She openly shares the things she has been through, both good and bad, in a ‘tell it like it is’ way of speaking which is highly appreciated on many levels.

Having overcome many of her own obstacles in life, Katrina-Jane speaks and teaches from experience.  She spent over 30 years in the Seventh-day Adventist Church – when life sent her a curve ball and she realised she was clairvoyant.  She then had the challenge of overcoming years of indoctrination to follow her soul’s destiny as a Clairvoyant Medium.  


Website - https://www.katrina-jane.com/

The Motivational Woman - http://themotivationalwoman.com/

FB - Katrina-Jane More Than a Clairvoyant

Insta - katrinajane01

LinkedIn - Katrina Bart

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