Accredited consultant 


Enhancing workplace engagement, communication, performance and strength based practices.


DISC ADVANCED® is the World’s most advanced behavioural assessment system, measuring both the subconscious “real self” and conscious behavioural styles, designed to provide users with practical and useable information. The process includes action plans and extensive instructions on how to achieve real results that enhance performance.

DISC ADVANCED® describes you based on your observable behaviour, which can provide insights for others regarding your communication preferences and how you will likely interact with and respond to them.

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Some of the most common applications for DISC ADVANCED® assessments in organisations worldwide are:

  • Leadership development

  • Organisational development

  • Team building

  • Communication and interaction skills training

  • Sales training

  • Recruitment

  • Internal Promotion selection/development

  • Succession planning

  • Customer service training

  • Coaching

  • Conflict resolution

And simply getting the best from your most valuable resource – People.


The assessment tool

The DISC ADVANCED® assessment is designed specifically for the workplace and is easy to use.

It measures both your ‘natural’ style and ‘adjusted’ style.

It gives us an insight into which of the behaviours we tend to exhibit more often and the combination of traits that makes up our unique style.

It also gives us an understanding into how to recognise and adjust our natural behaviours to interact more effectively with others.

It is a useful tool not only for the individual, but for everyone communicating with that person. Its main purpose is to increase understanding of human behaviour; our own and others.

It is a powerful tool to assist with Self-Awareness, Communication, Leadership, Sales Training, Coaching/Mentoring, Recruitment and Professional Development.

It is a tool for observing and analysing behaviour, NOT analysing an individual’s whole personality.

The assessment will give you an overall summary of the typical behaviours you are likely to demonstrate in the workplace, providing you the opportunity to understand and reflect on how this information can be used to benefit you, those around you, and the work environment.

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The model

The DISC ADVANCED® model identifies the main behavioural styles, and helps to facilitate interaction with people and prepares us to more effectively manage and communicate.

It describes the different types of behaviours we all exhibit in the workplace based on the pace at which we typically operate and how we prioritise, people or task.

The behaviours in all styles have benefits and challenges they present to others, and none of the behaviour styles is better or worse.

The model does not classify people as good or bad, nor does it measure intelligence, knowledge or skills.

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‘We are all a brilliant and unique mix of colours’


Facilitation outcomes and key behavioural insights

  • How others are valued by you

  • Your value to the organisation

  • Workplace motivators

  • Behavioural style needs

  • Ideal workplace environment

  • Strengths

  • Potential development areas

  • How you express yourself under pressure

  • Conflict management

  • How others can best communicate with you

  • Leadership styles

  • How to best motivate different styles

  • How to best sell to different styles

  • Developing an action plan to implement key findings