Everything is an inside job

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By Kerryn Vaughan

9th September 2021

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had so much input these past 18 months that I can barely process another thought or opinion coming at me.

I decided that if I was going to be in lockdown for an expended period, then I might as well take the opportunity to learn and grow. I then got the bug! I love learning at the best of times but I think some kind of addiction started controlling me. I consumed anything I could get my hands on.

And then something happened. It all blew up in my face! I was burnt out and felt like the information coming my way suddenly turned into arrows all aiming at me at once.

My reaction was to take cover and never resurface! I rejected everything for several weeks and started noticing a big shift within me. Information and understandings I had been seeking, started floating to the surface. The ‘aha’ moments were profound and just what I needed to take the next steps.

I started reflecting on how we are incorrectly taught to believe that we should seek answers about ourselves from others. Yes, I know we have blind spots and sometimes an outside perspective can give us the nudge we need toward out growth, but what I’m really talking about here is making decisions about personal and impactful things.

We believe that others have some magic wand or crystal ball that can determine our path, and that should we pay attention to the learned we can get ourselves on the recommended path and discover our pot of gold.


Stop everything!!!

Maybe you’re hearing about where they found THEIR pot of gold. We are all so different and not all prophets will be presenting YOUR gold.

So where is our gold and how should we find it?

Well, it really is an inside job. We have to sit still enough and quiet enough to hear our inner voice because it always knows. Here’s a quick test…

Close your eyes and think about that thing you’ve always wanted to do. Now, ask yourself why you haven’t done it. 

Bam! There’s the answer right there. You heard it intuitively, but within 2-3 seconds you starting rationalising and had well organised and highly detailed justification list. This is where we start the journey down the self-doubt tunnel. What a waste!


We have to take notice of that split second message, accept it as the truth, and then have the courage to start asking ourselves the hard questions as to why we’re choosing to ignore it. We really need to unpack that message until we accept it as our truth.

We all know the answers already. We have to trust ourselves and stop feeding our limiting beliefs.

Save yourself so much time, energy and torment, and become friends with your inner guidance.

As I said, everything is an inside job!

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Kerryn Vaughan is the author of ‘Magnificent Kids!’ and ‘Get Off The Bench!’, founder of One Planet Classrooms, co-founder of Girls With Hammers, and host of Get Off The Bench Podcast.

Kerryn is also a DISC ADVANCED® accredited consultant.

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