Kerryn Vaughan - Cruise ship magic, musings and mayhem

I went on a cruise ship around 40 years ago and hated it. Everybody on board had gastro, the flu, or sea sickness. I had the latter and needed an injection to ease the vomiting and nausea. But, it doesn’t end there or end well. I had an allergic reaction to the vaccine and blew up in huge red welts all over my body. Never to have that medication again!

I was also not the least bit interested in sunning myself on the deck, or gracing the beaches of the pacific islands. Instead, I waited patiently to dock at each new port, and armed with a video recorder the size of a TV news camera, I ran solo to explore the undiscovered distant regions of the island while fancying myself as a roving reporter.

I vowed never to sail the high seas again.

Fast forward to 2023, my partner says “I booked us on a family cruise”. My worst nightmare come true! However, I decided to put all my past negative grumblings behind me and give it a go. Have I changed my mind? You’ll have to take a listen…

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