Bronwyn Manley - Harvesting sprinkles of joy

Bronwyn Manley hails from NSW where the local environment caused endless allergies, which hampered her desire to grow her own food. Finally her move to regional Victoria gave wings to her dreams.

Starting out in their suburban back yard, Bon and her partner, Dave created a beautiful garden oasis that yielded enough produce for Bon and Dave, but also enough to share with others. Dave’s passion for gardening was sparked by time spent in the garden with his Grandfather, and this passion ignited a fire in Bon, and together they focused solely on growing fruit and vegetables.  

Bon soon became interested in growing flowers because of the benefits of companion planting flowers and vegetables.  Bon fell in love when her first zinnia started flowering and then fell deeper in love when she noticed how the bees and other insects were attracted to it. In an instant, Bon started allocating more space for flowers.

Having a background in hospitality, Bon started working at the local Tinamba Hotel, which led to discussions with the owners and the Head Chef about microherbs and edible flowers.  A discussion that continued to play on Bon’s mind.

Bon’s son started at local primary school and the family fundraised for the school with the kids growing flowers and microherbs.  

A few years later Bon and her family moved to Seaton and started working on a new farm with a billion and one dreams of what they wanted to do with it. One idea was growing veggie boxes, but disappointment set in as that idea wasn’t viable, and the first few years on the farm were really hard.

A few restaurants wanted Bon and Dave to keep growing veggies for them, but Bon’s real passion was trying create dried sprinkle blends. When the first big lockdown came, they made the decision to turn the edible flower part into a dry farm, and haven’t looked back, with the sprinkles now being distributed Australia wide.


Website: (Coming soon!)

FB: Bronwyn Manley 

Insta: Bon In The Garden @boninthegarden 

LinkedIn: Bronwyn Manley


Tinamba Hotel

Diggers Club

Startup Gippsland

Postcode Hives

Hugh Charles

Pete Collings (Architect)

Enjoy the visual here on Youtube 

Kerryn VaughanBatch 3